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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Cold Brew Coffee

I'm still trying to master "cool brew" coffee.  

It's coffee concentrate you buy in the refrigerated section, and it's VERY good coffee.

First I tried heating water in an electric kettle and pouring it over the coffee concentrate.  But the coffee concentrate is cold, so even though it's hot water, the coffee is still cold.

"Then microwave it!"  You shouldn't microwave coffee because it adversely affects the taste.  I know people do it, but it's not recommended.

So what to do, what to do?

Leave the concentrate on the kitchen counter until it gets to room temperature?  Who wants to do that?

You definitely can't put coffee in an electric kettle; those are meant for water only.

You can heat it on the stove in a regular kettle!  Yes, the coffee along with the water.

But then I had to figure out the proper ratio of coffee to water.   

The directions say 1 oz coffee to 1 cup water, but that's nowhere near enough.  It was like water!

I would say more like 3 ounces per cup.  I like strong coffee.  So almost a 2 to 1 ratio of water to coffee.

So I'm getting there.  and I seldom drink coffee, but today I did.

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