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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

oriental chicken

This recipe was meant for chicken wings, but I made drumsticks instead.

In a bowl, mix a 2:1 ratio of soy sauce and water or broth. You need at least a cup of soy sauce and 1/2 cup water or broth.

I used beef broth because that's what I had, although chicken broth would be perfect.

You need enough to cover the chicken; I found the part of the chicken that was not immersed in the liquid to be dry, while the part that was immersed, was wonderful.

Add brown sugar, a shot of lemon juice, dry mustard*, minced garlic, ginger, onion powder, garlic powder.

*Regular mustard will also do.

Put it all in the cast iron pot and slow cook until the chicken is done.

This recipe came out of a crock pot cookbook, so it can be done in a crock pot too.

Someone suggested it be done with a whole chicken.

You would either have to inject the marinade, or use a LOT of soy sauce!

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